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The Art Endowment
852 Haight Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 640 . 5041
Contact Us @ Art Endowment . org

Donating to The Art Endowment

Supporting the Art Endowment furthers the arts by facilitating the display of fine art in the public domain. Your contributions allow us to give art to non-profits and other public benefit organizations for public display and community benefit. This increases the awareness and appreciation of fine art, improves the non-profit environment, and enhances lives.

From developing the View Art System to framing donated work, developing and producing public awareness events and assisting us with our small operational expenses, the Art Endowment is in need of your support. Please contact us if you have artwork, time, or wish to help us fund our programs.

To find more information on donating artwork or donating funds or time, please use the links to the left.

Web site designed by Krystal R. Higgins
Logo design 2005 by creativeinstinct