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The Art Endowment
852 Haight Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
(415) 640 . 5041
Contact Us @ Art Endowment . org

Donate Artwork to The Art Endowment

Thank you for your interest in making works of art available for donation through The Art Endowment. With your donation comes many benefits to you, including the appreciation of the public your art serves and that of the organization that chooses to keep your work in their permanent collection.

Why would you want to donate art? The answer is different for different people. One or more of the following may apply to you:
  • You wish that art in storage was in public view
  • You wish to leave a legacy of your work in the public domain
  • You have a strong desire to have your work in a particular public benefit organization
  • You would like to have a public benefit organization as a permanent collector of your work.
  • You want to make your work more available to the public
Donating through the Art Endowment ensures your work is protected. We inform the organization that any artwork you donate:
  • is to be placed where it will be secure
  • is to be exhibited where the public or those persons served by the charity/ donee can easily see it;
  • is not to be altered or defaced;
  • is not to be reproduced without your written permission; and
  • is not to be sold or disposed of by the charity/donee without their making best faith efforts to contact you before such disposition.
At this time we are asking that donors send us digital images of their work via email. If this is difficult or not possible, contact us and we will find another solution. As you know, the purpose of our organization is primarily to facilitate the reputable transfer of art from donor to public benefit organizations. We do not take possession of the work. Instead, we find a home for the work and then contact you to see if the piece is still available. This helps us keep our insurance and other maintenance costs low. It ALSO allows you to show more work and decide later if you wish to donate the work later if the public benefit organization selected your work suits you as well as your work suits them.

Call David Bruce today at (415) 640.5041 or E-mail him through the contact form to find out how to send your images today. And thanks again for your interest.

Web site designed by Krystal R. Higgins